Tuesday 1 December 2015

Putting it on a wig and fake hair

Even though this was part of a different unit, I thought it would be appropriate to put it into this blog. This was the first time I had ever put on wigs and it was fun, Lottie showed us how to pin and wrap the hair for application, she showed us how to achieve this with French plaits as this was the quickest option compared with pin curls (which we were shown in Helens lesson). We then got to experiment with different coloured wigs, all being acrylic and synthetic. We had to look at different lengths and styles ones that could be used for personal use of more of a theatrical look. We had long glamorous wigs to afro's to pink bob cuts to try.

Here Lottie showed us how to brush out and style a wig ready for application to a model.We have to plait the hair into two French plaits and then place a wig cap onto the hair. The easiest way to put one of these on is too ask the model to take their front fingers and take the front of the wig cap and have them pull this over as you pull this over the rest of the hair. This technique is then repeated to put a wig on. Everything needs to be secured with pins to ensure that this wig would last a performance and not fall of the model or actors head. 

We then had a practical demonstration on how to add facial hair using tiny pieces of cut up crepe hair. Using scissors we carefully cut pieces into a bowl. We then applied spirit gum and waited for this to go tacky then using a spatula or stipple sponge applied this to the areas we wanted to create body hair. I think this technique looked very realistic and I quite enjoyed it and thought it was easy and effective to learn.

This is me in a brunette wig which is very different to my blonde hair I have had for 21 years! I loved this style and thought it looked very natural for being an acrylic wig.

Here I have plaited my models hair and placed a wig cap on to hold the hair in place. 

Here are two wigs I placed on my model.

Here is the hairy knuckle me and my partner created it was a lot of fun and thought this techniques could be used when creating supernatural characters such as werewolf's.

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