Thursday 3 December 2015

Informal assessment historical

Overall my assessment went well, as it was informal I wasn't nervous I was actually excited. This assessment was to create an historically accurate look with an acrylic wig. With my wig I had brought one with a lace front so it looked the most natural. Overall from start to finish I was happy with my wig. I feel as though because I had done the styling side of this assessment the day before I was more prepared. All I had to was pin my models hair up, place a wig cap on and put the itself on. This meant I had time to create a make up to go with the wig and do a completed look.  

Tools used
  • Pin tail comb
  • Paddle Brush
  • Hairspray
  • Grips
  • Pins
  • Wig
  • Wig Cap

Here are some pictures taken on my phone. 

These are the final images of my historical 80's wig look. I am really happy with how it turned out and I believe it to be historically correct. 

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