Monday 23 November 2015

Looking at and applying hair pieces

In this lesson we had a chance to look at hair pieces and facial hair pieces that had been used on professional shows and productions. This was really interesting to me because this is what I would like to eventually perhaps do but more along the lines of knotting and weaving the pieces then styling and applying the pieces and wigs. 

Firstly we were shown how to apply a Victorian looking hairpiece and the hairstyle to go along with it.  

Knotting Lace - This is used to knot the hairs through, it comes in different colours to match the models/actors skin tone. The better quality lace is thinner and more delicate, this is so HD cameras and lighting on stage do not pick it up and make it look unrealistic. 

Lace Wig - This is normally a high quality wig and is normally very expensive, these can be thousands of pounds. The whole cap that the hair is attached to is created with lace and this is to make it look more realistic. This one is created with different tones of blonde hair and has had each hair individually knotted through.

These are different facial hair pieces, moustache and beard.

side burns

These are all different sized hair pieces 

Hair used to create pieces

A malleable head used to attach pieces or wigs to it for either knotting or styling.

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