Wednesday 25 November 2015

1970's Hairstyles

For this lesson we looked at 1970's hairstyles..

  • We began by looking at images on Google of what we wanted to create and some inspiration from this era.
  • We parted the hair from the front, ear to ear and kept the front section separate. 
  • We then began to curl the hair with a heated tong and set these into place. We did this in a brick work style again to practice and perfect this technique. 
  • Once this was set and cooled we took this out and brushed it out to create volume more than curl.
  • Using a paddle brush, we brushed the front of a section and the back to create a smoothed out finish.
  • Then finished with hairspray.

This is my finished look, a voluminous, hairspray covered hair style.
This was a lot of fun and actually not as hard as I had imagined. I do believe that this would be harder to achieve on longer hair as the curls would not have created as much volume. I think I would have to back comb more to create this look on longer hair.

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