Friday 27 November 2015


In this lesson we created a 60's beehive style. Personally for some reason I really struggled with this hairstyle and creating volume. I'm not sure if the hair was too soft or I had just set it wrong but I know for some reason it had not quite turned out the way I had hoped. 

  • Firstly we began by setting the hair in heated rollers. We were asked to set it in a brickwork formation so we could practice and perfect this technique. This was interesting because I feel like every time I do brick work with heated rollers it comes out differently and not always in a good way! I feel like I will eventually get better at this over time but for now I believe more practising is in order.
  • Moving on, I then waited for the rollers to cool and then took out the pins and brushed the curls out. 
  • I then began to style out the curls by taking sections starting at the top of the head and back combing strongly to create my desired shape.
  • Once I had created the volume I needed it was then a case of pinning the hair up to create a twist.
  • Using grips I pulled all the hair to one side and criss cross gripped it in place.
  • I then twisted it back onto its self and pinned it into place.
  • I then took the fringe area and pinned this into place.

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